Home » Gaming Tips » Dios Bone Aut {Sep} Gaming Is Your Passion? Go Ahead!

Dios Bone Aut {Sep} Gaming Is Your Passion? Go Ahead!

This article gives you all the information related to Dios Bone Aut, chances of getting it, rarity, etc

Roblox gamers from Canada, the United States, and the United Kingdom are looking out for the DIO character in A Universal Time game. DIO is an interesting character in the game. But, are you among the users who cannot get DIO because the AUT recently got remodelled? Do you want to know the uses of DIOs bone? Do you want to know how to obtain it?

Below facts will answer all your questions related to Dios Bone Aut.

What is DIO?

DIO is a character adapted from Jojo’s fantastic adventure series. DIO is a violent and inert Vampire. It can heal itself from many damages within thirty seconds. If you are lucky to obtain a DIO’s bone, it will help you advance in the game. DIO also resists many forms of damages. 

DIO was one of the first bosses in A Universal Time. DIOs are considered suitable for fighting enemies and are also used in farming. To buy a DIO will cost you a good amount of virtual money. But, once you obtain Dios Bone Aut, you can level it up to sell it for a good amount of money. 

  • The DIOs bone will glow with a blue outline.
  • DIOs bones have only a sixteen per cent chance of falling from the sky. 
  • To get DIOs bone, you can fight a DIO born species, which tends to appear in AUT at an interval of thirty minutes. 
  • But, every time, you may not be lucky as there are only one out of ten chances that DIO born species will drop a bone after it is defeated. 

How to acquire Dios Bone Aut:

  • Once you receive a DIO, you will be on a mission to find a Jotaro disk. 
  • Additionally, it will give you the power to transform a white snake into a sea moon. 
  • Once you develop a sea moon, you need to reach its gravitational shift, which will be at the end of the station. 
  • Once you reach the station, you will be near a mountain. 
  • On the hill, you need to find Diona’s bone. It will get added to your list. 
  • With the help of Diona’s bone, you will get the ability to reach heaven. 

Once you get a Dios Bone Aut, you can use to:

  1. Transform a white snake into a sea moon
  2. Meet Rock Humans, Vampires, etc.
  3. Ability to upgrade to the tenth level instantly. 
  4. Reset species
  5. For practising better farming
  6. For fighting enemies

By obtaining a double worth pass, you can increase the worthiness of DIOs bone to ten per cent. However, without the pass, DIOs bone is valued at five per cent only. The rarity of DIOs bone is regarded as insane. It is mostly dealt in Morioh map. 


It is not worth spending your time playing to obtain Dios Bone Aut alone. It is well known that Diona’s bones are used to keep you balanced in the game. And with the rework and remodelling of AUT, there are new species, new abilities, new stands and many more things included in the game that are worth obtaining.

Did you play AUT ? Let us know about your experience with Dios Bone.

Also Read : – A Universal Time Dio Bone {Sep} Know Exciting Features!

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