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Common Mistakes When Choosing Textures

Common Mistakes When Choosing Textures: There are a few common mistakes that people make when choosing textures. To avoid these usual errors, take note of the following: 

Table of Contents

Choosing The Wrong Texture Size

One of the most common mistakes is choosing the wrong texture size. When selecting a texture, especially free textures, be sure to choose one that is the correct size for your project.  For example, do not use a resolution of 2048×2048 when you should be using 1024×1024 or even 512×512. This may seem like common sense, but it is something that people often don’t think to consider and can very easily ruin their project.

Using Too Many Textures

Another mistake is using too many textures. This can often lead to a messy and cluttered project. When choosing textures, be sure to use only the ones that are necessary. If you find yourself with too many different textures, consider deleting some of them.

Not Checking the Licensing

One thing that people often don’t think about is checking the licensing of the textures and tones they are downloading. Make sure that it is ok to redistribute the textures as part of your project. If you download a texture and find out later that you cannot include it in your project, your whole project could be scrapped.

To make sure you get authentic, licensed textures, go to CreativeMarket. 

Not Checking the License Agreement

Many websites have different license agreements depending on where you are downloading from. Make sure to read the license agreement before you download any Photoshop textures. This will help to avoid any legal issues further down the road.

Choosing Low-Quality Textures

When choosing textures, be sure to choose high-quality textures. This will ensure that your project looks good and is not blurry or pixelated. Low-quality textures can really ruin a project, while higher-quality textures can really strengthen a project.

Choosing Texture Quality by File Size

When it comes time to download some textures, many people simply choose the ones that have the smallest file size. While this is ok for some projects, be sure to look at other factors as well. For example, if you are planning to use the textures as part of a mobile app, you will need smaller textures. However, if you don’t plan on using the texture in high definition and simply want it for a background image or icon, choose one that is larger.

Not Paying Attention to Formatting

When choosing textures, whether it’s light textures or dark ones, be sure to pay attention to the formatting. This means that you should choose textures that are in the same format. For example, if you are working in Photoshop and you want to use a texture, make sure that the texture is in .psd format. If it is not, you will not be able to use it in your project.

Not Checking the Dimensions

Another thing to consider when choosing textures is the dimensions of the texture. The size in pixels matters, but so does the physical size in inches or centimeters. If you choose a texture that is too small or too large for your project, it can have negative effects on your project.

Forgetting About Tileability

When choosing textures, be sure to consider their tileability. This means that the textures can be repeated without looking too repetitive. If you are using a texture that is not tileable, you may have to spend extra time masking it and making sure that it looks good when repeated.

Choosing Unnatural Colors

When choosing textures, be sure to avoid choosing unnatural colors. Make sure that the colors are not too vibrant or neon and do not clash with each other. Natural textures generally look better than unnatural ones.

Using Excessive Amounts of Noise

Another common mistake is using an excessive amount of noise on your texture. Noise can be a positive thing, but it should only be used in small doses. When used in excess, noise can make your textures look bad and can be very distracting.

Not Checking the Orientation

When downloading textures, be sure to check the orientation. This means that you should choose textures that are in the correct orientation for your project. For example, if you are working on a project that has a 2D aspect, be sure that the texture is in this orientation. However, if you are planning on using it as part of a 3D model, choose one that is not in the correct orientation.

Choosing Too Many Wood Textures

If you plan to use wood textures throughout your project, consider choosing different types of wood textures. While it is ok to use the same type of wood (such as oak), it can get boring after a while to see the exact same texture everywhere.

Not Considering Other’s Opinions

When choosing textures, be sure to consider others’ opinions on your texture choices. For example, if you are working on a website, you may want to ask a friend or family member for suggestions on which textures look better. You can also choose from several different textures which one is your personal favorite and see what others think of it.

In Conclusion

There are a lot of things to think about when choosing textures for your designs. But, if you’re not careful, you can easily make some common mistakes that will ruin your work. Whether you’re just starting out or you’re a seasoned pro, these warnings will definitely help you out.

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