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Rastaman Real Name {Mar} Know Every Detail About Him!

The article on Rastaman Real Name discusses a Filipino man and what he wants to do in life. Interested to know? Please read the article.

Have you ever heard the word “Rastaman”? What does Rastaman mean? Who is Rastaman? What is Rastaman’s Real name? What does he want? Why is he running in the elections for the senate seat? 

Rastaman word means a male freedom fighter who stands up against classism and discrimination. Suppose you want to know more about this Rastaman of the Philippines. Recently Rastaman has gone viral, and he is now a web sensation. To find out the reason, read the article Rastaman Real Name.

What Does Rastaman Means?

A rastaman is a male person who stands up against racism and suppression. Movement leaders or followers are generally known as Rastaman. This word is derived from the word “Rastafarian.” People who follow a specific religious or social movement and uphold their principles. 

Rastafarian is a religious follower in Jamaica. There are many rules and beliefs related to the faith. But on the surface, Rastaman means a freedom fighter and movement follower.

Who is the Filipino Rastaman?

A Filipino man has gone viral worldwide. He is a rastaman, and he is running for the senate post in the elections. To know the Rastaman Real Name, keep reading this article. His lifelong goal is to get elected as a senator. 

He is popularly known as Rastaman Yow. He wants to protect his country’s territory. He stands on the streets holding banners. Rastaman Yow has gone viral because of a statement he gave in a recent interview. 

His special tattoos on his cheeks, forehead with unique signs, and personality seem to be different from others. During the 2019 elections, he was spotted protesting and holding banners. Media camera operators captured him, and his banners said he wanted to protect his motherland and its territory from Chinese influence. 

Rastaman Real Name

The real name of the rastaman is Mr. Ronaldo Plaza. He wants to protect his country from foreign influence (Chinese). His forehead and cheeks are inked. Third eye and infinity tattoos on his cheeks. Also a motorbike figure on his forehead. 

What made him go viral was his carefree and funny answers. For instance, when a media person asked him about his identity, he answered that he was half human and half-zombie. This answer of his made him an internet sensation overnight.

He was carefree while answering the questions. He gave the media person a little brief on his tattoos. He seemed to like his tattoos very much. No matter what Rastaman Real Name is, he seems to enjoy his rastaman identity.

He advocated a simple way of living, and he wanted to preserve his country’s culture, religion and traditions. He is also rumoured to be running for president, and everyone is eagerly waiting to see the results.             


At last, this person seems to be excited and carefree. He is living his life on his terms and does not care about what others think. His uncanny yet fascinating personality made him viral. People from the Philippines are captivated by his character. Want to know more about Rastafarian? Click here. 

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