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Who Owns Rolling Stone Magazine (April 2021) Let’s See!

Who Owns Rolling Stone Magazine (April 2021) Let’s See! >> Here in this article, we will read about the rolling magazine and who owns it and some additional facts you should know about.

A few magazines are very famous in the United States; among them is the rolling stone magazine. Penske Media is currently the company Who Owns Rolling Stone Magazine; Penske media has purchased 49 percent of the remaining stake from the brand lab technologies.

In December 2017, the Penske media acquired the controlling interest in Wenner Media, the parent company of rolling stone, with a whopping price of over 100 million dollars.

the Penske media bought 51 percent of the company’s stake back in 2017; this magazine comes under popular culture. Read the whole article to have complete information about this magazine brand.

Table of Contents

Who Owns Rolling Stone Magazine:

Here in this article, we will read about an American magazine that is a rolling stone. As of now, who owns this magazine? As earlier mentioned, the magazine is now entirely owned by the Penske media corporation.

Penske media corporation bought the 51 percent of rolling stones stake in 2017 and the rest 51 percent of the magazine’s stake in 2019, which make the Penske media corporation a full-fledged owner of the rolling stone magazine


Rolling Stone Magazine:

As we have already read, Penske media corporation is now the corporation Who Owns Rolling Stone Magazine; let us read more about this magazine and get a good overview of it.

Rolling stone is an American magazine that is popular among people who love music. This magazine was founded in California, San Francisco, in the year 1967. The first person to appear on the cover was John Lennon.

The first magazine was also launched in 1967, and as of now, dua lipa is the cover page model of this magazine owned entirely by the Penske media corporation.

Penske Media Corporation:

Penske media corporation is an American publishing, digital media, and information services company in America; now, Penske media is the one Who Owns Rolling Stone Magazine.

This company publishes more than 20 digital and print bands, which include wwd, variety, and a rolling stone. Currently, Jay Penske is the CEO of this corporation, and he was the one who found this corporation.

Jay Penske established this corporation way back in 2003; this company also owns various digital marketing properties like hollywoodlife.com and cars.com.



Here in this article, we have discussed the rolling stone magazine. We have also discussed some more information about this magazine and have read about Who Owns Rolling Stone Magazine.

Here in this article, we have also read about the parent organization of a rolling stone magazine, the Penske media corporation, and a few more information about the corporation.

Do you think about rolling stone magazine selling itself ultimately to Penske media corporation? Do you support the rolling stones magazine?

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