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Squid Warehouse Robot (Jan 2021) The Next-Gen Product!

Squid Warehouse Robot (Jan 2021) The Next-Gen Product! >> Find out how modern robots can change the scenario of the future.

We are in the 21st century, and gradually each sector is turning towards technology or artificial intelligence to save their money, time and improve their efficiency.

Similarly, the warehousing sector is also cautiously shifting towards AI-based robots to manage and organise their inventory. In the United States, a recent study found out that sixty-five percent of operational warehousing budget goes into labor costs. Moreover, there’s a high risk to human life while loading and unloading heavy products, especially at a greater height.

To resolve this issue, a company called BionicHive has come up with Squid Warehouse Robot. Let’s dig in further to know what it is and how it can change the entire warehousing scenario.

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What is Warehouse Robot?

It is a third-dimensional, fully automated squid robot, which allows a swift movement in any direction. It can quickly load and unload at any warehouse height with a climbing speed of 2.8 ft/sec and a ground speed of 5.9 ft/sec. 

You can also sit back and relax while it’s on the move because it has self-navigation and obstacle avoidance capabilities. Moreover, a high-ended embedded controlled system and intelligent real-time analysis allow BionicHive’s algorithmic engine to learn the warehouse’s problems and apply resolutions in the warehouse’s entire network.

What are the operational requirements of Squid Warehouse Robots?

Usually, whenever a new technology is introduced in a warehouse or any other sector, it requires significant capital expenditure and changes in the operational cost. The entire infrastructure is needed to be aligned with the needs of the new technology.

Fortunately, that’s not the case with this robot. Its retrofitting capacity easily fits into the current operating model, using the same facilities, same boxes, and same shelving racks.

All you have to do to make your warehouse aligned to this robot is to add some track-like material on the shelves so that it can easily climb up and down to load and unload.

What are the benefits of Warehouse Robot?

Following are some pros of the Squid Warehouse Robot

  • Reduction in the operational cost
  • Increase in the efficiency
  • Less risk to human life
  • Freedom to increase the warehouse’s heights because it’s easy and safe for robots to climb at greater heights compared to humans.
  • More storage space
  • The decrease in the accommodation cost of the workers
  • Flexible capital investment

Some of the drawbacks of Warehouse robots are:

  • Loss of employment for the existing workers
  • Cost of investment in purchasing robots
  • Maintenance cost
  • Robots cannot respond in times of danger

Final Verdict

Our research concluded that technologies like Squid Warehouse Robot are the future, and we must cautiously adopt these in our workplaces.

Human caliber is way more than just loading and unloading inventory, and we focus on more significant objectives. And have a better standard of living.

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