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Rodney Diary of a Wimpy Kid (June 2022) Read All Facts!

The article Rodney Diary of a Wimpy Kid provides specific information on the person who murdered his mother as well as some suspicious reasons.

Are you a fan of adventurous films? Then you might have seen the famous “Diary of a Wimpy Kid”? That project and the character who played each role have attracted many fans from the Philippines, Canada, Singapore, United States. But here is the article which exclusively deals with Rodney Diary of a Wimpy Kid.

Rodney became the murderer

Ryan Grantham plays the character Rodney James in the film Diary of a Wimpy Kid. The role was to play the character participating in the school drama “The Wizard of Oz.” Ryan played that role brilliantly. Ryan suffered from stage fright, so his mother was a staunch supporter of his acting career. But he has murdered his own mother. Ryan shot his mom in 2020. According to CBC reports, Ryan, age 24, revealed that he murdered his mom.

So the Supreme Court has convicted him of a second-degree murder charge. Recently during his hearing case. He admitted that he targeted Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid Actor Killed Mother

Ryan Grantham played the role of a character named Rodney James. But in March 2020, he murdered his own mother, aged 64. He shot his mother, Barbara Waite while playing her piano. He even rehearsed the murder scene and also recorded the whole killing scene on his recorder. 

But he confessed his killing and showed his mother’s corpse on the camera. He surrendered himself to Vancouver police headquarters. But the real reason behind the murder of his mom was unknown. After that, he was sentenced to prison punishment.

Murderer of his mother

Diary of a Wimpy Kid Actor Murdered Mom news went viral last week because he killed his mother. Moreover during his recent guilty pleading hearing case he admitted that he had plans to kill the Canadian prime minister. If Ryan was convicted, he might be facing a lifetime prison sentence. According to the Canadian prison rules, if a person was charged with a second-degree murder case, he might be eligible for parole. But Ryan targeted a nation’s leader, so the lawyers are against the parole charge for Ryan. Moreover, people are puzzled by his behavior of Ryan.

Why did he kill his mom?

The characters in the film Rodney Diary of a Wimpy Kid always win over people’s hearts. The reasons for Ryan’s behavior were still suspicious. But Ryan had suffered from clinical depression, so his depression built up day by day, driving him to murder his mom. Sometimes he tried to kill himself. 

According to CBC reports, he was not attending college properly, perhaps due to his self-hatred feelings towards him. He was also a drug addict, so he also faced the side effects of having the deadly natural additives. The depression and side effects of the drugs made him a real murderer.


Thus, the article Rodney Diary of a Wimpy Kid provided the details about the actor’s murder charge. But if we deeply look into the case, if Ryan had been treated properly for his depression, he might not have committed any crime. So the government should also take some initiatives to support those suffering from depression instead of defaming them. Read here for more news updates.

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