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How to Organize Your Studying for an Exam?

Do you know-How to Organize Your Studying for an Exam? Read the article to get your answers.

What does it mean to plan? Nothing but this:

  • Figure out how many weeks you have before the exam
  • For each week, identify the days to devote to study
  • For the days, identify the hours to devote to study (maybe one day you will have commitments in addition to staying on the books)
  • Decide whether you need to turn to writing services with a request “write my college paper” due to not having enough time.

After doing this, focus on the topics to study. Specifically, you have to program:

  • Understanding the topics, you need to study;
  • Break up these topics into the study days;
  • Keep some days near the exam for review;

After estimating, move on to our tips and then study.

Table of Contents

5 tips to Better Manage the Time of Your University Study

Okay, we have planned and scheduled our study. In this way, we already have a clear idea of how we will commit our time between now and the weeks to come. But in practice, how can you not waste time? Here are 5 tips that can really make a difference to save you days and days on books without finishing anything!

No Distractions, Thanks!

Ok, the first step is the planning of the study. Now we need to take action on eliminating distractions.

Did you know that every time you get distracted, your mind needs at least 30 minutes to refocus? A huge amount. It means that if you look twice in half an hour on Instagram you have “lost” an hour and a half of your attention. You can’t afford it!

In a past article, I explained the tomato technique, I advise you to read it because this technique helps you to maintain concentration by alternating periods of work with periods of rest, avoiding being constantly distracted.

Another excellent organizational technique is that of the study boundary. Do you know what it is based on?

The operation is simple, you create your beautiful area on the table dedicated to the study, in which there will be only you, your book, and any notebooks, highlighters, or pens.  Stop.

The mobile phone does not have to be present near you, what you will have to do is keep it away from you for the entire period of study. This also applies to all other sources of distraction, of course.

For example, if you have decided to devote 3 hours to studying, and every hour is set with 25 minutes of work and 5 minutes of break, you will have 10 minutes every hour to do what you want most, as well as be on the phone. So, hold on and work.

Starting very often turns out to be one of the most painful phases for any student, so, no one ever really judges students for getting paper help, because it’s so common.

Taking the first step, as they say, is essential to continue well throughout the day. But how do approach a difficult activity to start like studying?

Establish Scheduled Times

I did this, every day I know that 9.00 is the time when I have to study. So, I organize myself, accordingly, setting up my pre-study “evenings” so as not to be too late and managing my mornings in order to have a nice breakfast, a shower, and then having myself in front of the book 5 minutes before 9.00.

Plan the Eng Goals

Many times, starting is difficult if you only know when to start but you don’t know when it’s time to unplug. But you already know, don’t you? What you need to do is put pen to paper when your study starts, let’s say at 9.00, and when it ends, let’s imagine 13.00. In addition, between 9.00 and 13.00 insert a break of 20/25 minutes to oxygenate the brain. In this way, you will have less anxiety about starting to study and you will know that having to dedicate “only” that span of hours, you will have to give 100%!

Use the 5 Second Technique

When the desire is not there, you can use another very useful technique, that of the 5 seconds.

Stand in front of the book and do a 5-second countdown before leaving. After that, immerse yourself in the reading and go for it.

This technique is used to overcome procrastination in a forced way. Very useful I must say. 

If it works for professional writers, like the ones at us.masterpapers.com, then it will definitely work for you.

Time Management for the Study, In Conclusion

We’ve come to the end of this article full of tips for your practice. Now all you have to do is adopt these techniques and not stop at improving your organization but also improving your other skills, such as academic writing – 7 Step-by-Step Guide to Writing a Winning Paper.

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